A love of wine became a passion to serve the entire beverage industry.

In The beginning

The inspiration for POURED Inc began like all revolutionary ideas do: on the back of a napkin. But really, it took root over 30 years ago in the city of Modesto, CA.

POURED Inc’s founder, Edgar de Gracia, is the proud son of a Mexican immigrant. He grew up working weekends and summer with his dad and brothers in the Central Valley vineyards picking grapes. It was in those vineyards where Edgar’s profound love of wine first emerged.

What began as a timeless father-son bonding experience has now grown into an opportunity to transform the entire three-tier distribution system of alcohol for the better.

With POURED, we’ve developed the most advanced AI-powered SaaS platform on the planet for fast, accurate and easy data collection related to on & off-premise product placements across all markets.

An ardent love affair with wine is what brought us here. A duty to provide all the hardworking distributors, suppliers and retailers with 360° market visibility is what keeps us forging ahead with more innovation and data transparency for the future.

Keep your glass full. Cheers!

The Team

Edgar de Gracia CEO/Founder

Edgar was instilled with the love of wine and wine making as a kid helping his immigrant dad work summers in the vineyards of northern CA.

He went on to go to attend 𝙐𝘾𝙇𝘼 for undergrad and then law school in LA.  He’s also invested in other tech companies and real estate. 

He’s an entrepreneur at heart and a lover of traveling and wine.

Ryan Reeves CMO/Founder

Ryan Reeves is a dynamic creative executive with 12+ years’ experience leading 360⁰ campaigns and key business initiatives for dozens of Fortune 500 companies, as well as some of the most successful agencies, brands, networks and athletes in the world.

Todd Sanders, President

Mr. Sanders is a results-focused senior executive, change agent and entrepreneur with over 30 years in the retail, retail financial and B2B/B2C industries. Over the past 30 years, Todd has built and successfully exited four start-ups, contributed to the growth of global, publicly traded companies, launched and managed new revenue verticals and helped existing operations reinvent themselves and drive profitability.


John Paddon, COO

Las Vegas Strip beverage veteran led several process automation projects.  Advanced Sommelier, Certified Spirits Specialist, Certified Beer Server, and Sake Specialist.  Presently leading product development for POURED.

The Future

We are in the midst of the field testing now and raising capital to support our first customers.  Our Machine Learning program is making strides weekly.  We look forward to seeing what new challenges the beverage industry will face that our ML engine will help overcome for our customers.